Sunday 17 May 2009

Do You Still Remember Those Days... ?

Do you still remember the days where Pn. Radiah still in SMKSB ? Do you remember how much she helped us ? Do you know how supportive of her to SBKRS ?

Puan Radiah, principal of SMKSB for 2006 and 2007, I can never forget the days when she was here with us. Although I'd already graduated from SMKSB when she's transferred to this school, I salute her for her supportive to SBKRS, she helped me a lot in developing SBKRS...
Some brief info, Pn Radiah's husband is an Army Senior Officer, not sure what's his rank, but I know its high... She is a former principal/PK (not sure) in Methodist Girl School. She is the first principal i ever seen that willing to become a throwing target during the Hari Kantin in 2006/7, to help Pengawas earn money, while other years' principal of SMKSB kept a serious profile...
As I mentioned above, she likes SBKRS very much, she gave SBKRS first-ever Sports Day Marching Champion in 2006, a trophy that meant a lot to SBKRS, to me. She ended my 5 year thirst of beating scout in this marching competition...
Besides that, she too, showed her support to SBKRS when we won the Best Discipline Award in SMJK Tsung Wah KRS Gathering 2006. Although she knew that we went without proper procedure, she showed her appreciation to our hard work, especially she approved the trophy-presenting ceremony in weekly assembly. Apart from that, she talk about how good is SBKRS, how discipline we are, in major events, like in the student orientation, which helped us promote KRS to new students, and also in Hari Koko... She brings our SBKRS performance to the highest peak since it founded in 2001. You can read our SBKRS history, you can see there's significant rising of performance during these 2 years....
Another big contribution from her, its the SBKRS room we're having now. For ex-seniors, mostly will remember the days we "dig" into our "room" below the staircase.. We cant even stand inside there and we built it with our own money and effort WITHOUT any financial support from the school. I applied for a bigger room since 2003, but got rejected. I applied again in 2004 and 2005, rejected too. Once she came in, the application straight away approved, and we're so happy we even made a celebration in canteen. Without this room, we have no space for improvement, especially when come across the storage of the equipments and bags..
This is the 2nd year since she left SMKSB, and whatever good practice and helpful environment for Koko that she left behind, had been wiped off totally by some teachers for their own reason.
The photo above is the Night Farewell Party for her, we used our own money, and we think its worth it. The photo below, is the souvenir that we gave her, bought by me, and modified by me, specially for her...

Puan Radiah, we will never forget what you did to us, you helped us alot, your significant contribution will be recorded into our history to appreciate your kindness and supportive to us. You gave us hope and light when we need it the most. Without you, we will never reach where we are now.
as I couldnt find any contact number of yours, I can only wish you all the best in your career and your life.

Thank You.

Sir Nicholas Chua

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